A downloadable game for Windows

Join Goopey on his quest to save the peaceful Melon Islands from turning into utter chaos by the mischievous Liono  Swim, Jump, Dash and ink your way to victory on this short and sweet adventure! Have a wonderful time at Melon Island.

Sounds are not mine

Main Title Music- Nodens (Field Song) by axtoncrolley -- https://freesound.org/s/172707/  

How to Play Music- mario's way.mp3 by xsgianni -- https://freesound.org/s/388079/

Level 1 Music- reggae3 90BPM Cmin by Jghoffman418 -- https://freesound.org/s/711993/

Level 2 Music- bell cave by ADnova -- https://freesound.org/s/475300/ 

Level 3 Music- Eletro Hit #6 by danlucaz -- https://freesound.org/s/517741/

Liono Boss Music- beats 180-4-4 by pbimal -- https://freesound.org/s/728576/ Swing beat 120 xylophone side-chained.wav by Casonika -- https://freesound.org/s/568871/ 

Sound effects

Pearl pick up- Level Up 02 by rhodesmas -- https://freesound.org/s/320654

Splash sfx-  Water Swirl, Small, 20.wav by InspectorJ -- https://freesound.org/s/398715

Coin pick up- Magic Stars Retro Sparkle by smokinghotdog -- https://freesound.org/s/584244

Victory dance music- Classic breakbeats - Apache (processed, 4 bar) by Bronxio  https://freesound.org/s/242963/

Ink attack sfx- TOONPop_synth bubble sequences_Funky Audio_FASS.wav by Funky_Audio -- https://freesound.org/s/702996/ and splat02.wav by moshang -- https://freesound.org/s/460868/ 

Dash sfx- Bubbles Gentle With Fizz.wav by murraysortz -- https://freesound.org/s/192495/Dj_Puzzle_Scratch_01.wav by SaschaRettberg -- https://freesound.org/s/661404/ and 

Woosh_High_Short_01.wav by moogy73 -- https://freesound.org/s/425694/ 

Liono Laser sfx- 07024 space laser charging.wav by Robinhood76 -- https://freesound.org/s/414293/

Jump sfx- Splat 2 by sebastientate -- https://freesound.org/s/719130/  

Jelly fish sfx- Arcade Splatter by plasterbrain -- https://freesound.org/s/464909/ 

Death sfx water- Cartoon Wobble by Breviceps -- https://freesound.org/s/542195/  

Published 20 days ago
Release date 20 days ago
AuthorAde Doherty
GenreAdventure, Platformer
Tags2D, 2d-platfromer, beach, gamepad, Pixel Art, tropical
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Melon Island full game.exe 54 MB

Install instructions

The game may flag up as a false positive due to how exe's function with windows defender but the game is safe to play I have tested it on multiple computers. 


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Hehe, got back the trident, this was fun!